打ち水大作戦2023参加者からの感想 Uchimizu is a traditional eco-friendly custom for Japanese summers
- 2023.09.07
- 打ち水大作戦2023
- 活動報告

If everyone were to work together to spray out water during summer, the temperature will drop.
The Uchimizu Daisakusen started in 2003 as a social experiment where everyone does Uchimizu everyday at home.
Let’s sprinkle water for a cool summer.
This year in Japan, the heat wave continues to exceed 30 degrees regularly.
I also tried to sprinkle water at the front of my house when I was watering the flower beds.
I try to avoid the hottest hours of the day and do it during the mornings and evenings.
This way, I can leisurely sprinkle water.
I can do this within ten minutes, and it’s an excellent way to get through the heat waves.
I don’t know if there are many similar methods that exist overseas, however, I hope that the idea of Uchimizu can spread across the world.