打ち水大作戦、キックオフ! Operation Uchimizu, kicked off!

打ち水大作戦、キックオフ! Operation Uchimizu, kicked off!






8月の毎週火曜日(8/15を除く)9:00から「南品川櫻河岸 まちなか観光案内所」前で打ち水ボランティアを実施します。



The first day of Uchimizu Operation was held today, July 23 (Sun.).

On that day, after the language exchange class, we went to a local shrine and posed for Uchimizu!

Before going to the shrine, we discussed in English the purpose of sprinkling water and that the water to be used would be recycled water.


This year, water sprinkling will be held as a community activity.

Every Tuesday in August (except 8/15) from 9:00 a.m., volunteers will sprinkle water in front of the tourist information center in Minami Shinagawa Ougagishi.

We will post updates on the volunteer activities in the future. Please look forward to it!